Back Pack Safety for Kids

Time is flying and summer is coming to an end. Many kids are back in school--getting back into the routine of study and sports.  School shopping is in full swing for new clothes, tennis shoes, supplies and backpacks.

Did you know that over 8,000 people are seen in the ER a year because of backpacks causing muscle strain and joint pain?  There are more and more studies showing the negative impact on  growing children because of heavy backpacks and the strain on their spines.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons’ studies show a growing number of injuries related to children are due to backpacks loaded too heavy and not fitting the child properly.  The backpack should be worn over both shoulders to evenly distribute the weight, reducing strain to the back and neck.  The weight of the backpack should be no more than 15-20% of the child’s weight.

Back Pack Safety for Kids

 For more information on the health and safety of your children, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation.  Learn the best preventative measures and give your children the advantage for studies and for sport. Set them up for a lifetime of well-being. The doctors are Foresight Chiropractic are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal specialists providing very precise and gentle care for families for over 18 years – no popping or cracking!  Come in with your backpack and let us check for proper fitting.  Make this the best health year yet by partnering with the Valley’s premier Wellness Center.

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