Back Pain Relief Gilbert AZ

Yoga has incredible benefits from reducing stress to increasing flexibility in the body. In that strengthening and stretching can come a reduction in back pain. Here are some simple poses you can begin at home.

Many studies have been done on the effects of yoga showing significant results in reducing body mass index, blood pressure, improving balance, flexibility, triglycerides and heart rate. The brain-body connection has even shown up in positive emissions tomography or PET scans and brain imaging studies. Researchers have found positive benefits of Yoga for people with chronic conditions such as chronic pain, migraines, PTSD, epilepsy, depression and anxiety by increasing the "feel good" brain chemicals like GABA. To enhance the benefits of yoga, chiropractic care, particularly Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical care, gently aligns the spine and clears the nervous system enabling the brain to have better communication with the rest of the body.  

Back Pain Relief Gilbert AZ

For more information and to schedule your complimentary consultation, call 480-525-7841 and find out how chiropractic care together with yoga can enhance your health and reduce or eliminate your neck or back pain. The doctors at Foresight Chiropractic, the valley's premier Wellness Center, are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists, providing very precise and gentle care for over 17 years. Call today and get your game on--you don't have to get sick to get well!

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