Best Knee Injury Treatment

This gymnast is ready to go!   Look at the difference in her strength – after receiving Advanced Muscle Integration Technique sports therapy —compared to the previous article and video!

In this video, Dr. Keith Lavender, D.C. is re-testing a young gymnast’s popliteus muscle -- the muscle at the back of the knee which is responsible for locking and unlocking the knee.   From initial testing, the muscle was identified as not functioning properly.  In her case, the aberrant muscles were causing knee pain and problems with her jumps.  After Dr. Lavender uses Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) sports therapy with this young athlete, she is ready to strengthen and train again.

Muscles become aberrant or “shut down” when a muscle or tissue is overloaded as the body, working much like a circuit breaker in your home, reacts to protect and prevent further damage.  The position and pressure sensors (proprioceptors) within muscle tissues become inhibited, causing pain and muscles to “give way” when loaded.  Aberrant or inhibited muscles do not respond to strength exercise, massage, electric muscle stimulation or other therapies.  By identifying muscular imbalances and correcting them by using AMIT, muscle healing and rehabilitation can take place rapidly without the need for drugs or surgery. 

Once aberrant muscles are identified, Advanced Muscle Integration Technique sports therapy is used to restore the specific muscle back to proper function within the neuro-muscular system.  The muscles will “hold” and can be strengthened, and chances of future injuries are reduced and pain is eliminated.

Best Knee Injury Treatment 

For more information and to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Lavender, call 480-325-6977. Dr. Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center.  Call today for your free consultation, eliminate knee pain and injury and extend and improve your game!



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