Better Sleep

    Are you Sleeping Enough for Good Health?

The importance of sleep cannot be underestimated.   When you sleep, your body is repairing tissues, your immune system is doing battle with pathogens; your brain is detoxing, and forming memories of experiences that occurred during the day.

If your body does not get enough sleep, your health suffers. 

Studies show that sleep loss can adversely affect different parts of the immune system, which can lead to a variety of disorders.  In one German study, even a small amount of sleep loss (less than four hours a night) reduced natural cancer killing cells by 25% compared to participants who had a full night’s sleep.   

Sleep loss is also related to a higher risk for infection.  Research has shown that there can be a 50% decrease in the production of antibodies to influenza in comparison with subjects who had regular sleep hours.   Researchers are also finding that good sleep also improves immune cells known as T cells.

There are two main causes of insufficient sleep that you can control. 

1.    Poor Nutrition.  Specific nutrients in foods help to calm your body and mind through the release of serotonin.  If your brain doesn’t have access to those nutrients, your body will stay tense, and your mind will feel tired and dazed.   For example, caffeine and alcohol use up a lot of B vitamins and other nutrients to help you stay alert and provide a metabolic boost, while sacrificing quality sleep in the process.

2.    Poor physical environments and habits.  Sleep experts have determined that most Americans sabotage a good night’s sleep not just by their diet, but also by not creating a proper environment for REM sleep.  

The Keys to Better Sleep

Fortunately, you can achieve deep, restorative sleep by practicing a healthy lifestyle. Try these simple steps for healthier sleep.

·         Optimal Health Systems REM sleep supplement may help assist you in creating new sleep habits. Ask your doctor about appropriate support for you.

·         Stop food intake at least 3 hours before going to bed.  Eat more whole and raw foods, reduce your intake of processed food, carbohydrates and sugars, and drink more water.

·         Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day.  Developing a sleep routine is important.

·         Avoid TV, cell phones and electronic stimulation while in bed.  The “blue” light and electromagnetic waves put out by these devises is a sleep killer.

·         Find a comfortable, supportive mattress to aid your restful sleep.  Create a sleep environment of no light, sound and cool temperatures.

·         Exercise and move daily.

·         Go to bed thinking positive, affirmative thoughts. Journal your gratitude’s morning and evening.

·         Have a notepad by your bed to write down your to-do list to release those thoughts from your mind.

Better Sleep

At Foresight, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, the Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical doctors have your whole health in mind. Getting regular gentle chiropractic care,-- no popping or cracking, removes stress from your nervous system, allowing your body to function optimally. This allows for a deeper, more restful sleep, and boosts the immune system.  BEMER vascular therapy has also shown to benefit improved sleep and reduction of stress in the body.  

For more information and to schedule your free consultation and complimentary BEMER session, call 480-325-6977 today.


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