Chiropractor in Gilbert


      Why Happiness Helps You Get Healthy

The feeling of happiness – which is often associated with optimism, joy, well-being and personal achievement – goes hand in hand with healthier habits.  People who are in good spirits tend to eat healthier, exercise more frequently and get better sleep than those who are not. This could be, in part, because leading a healthy lifestyle helps you achieve your goals, which leads to happiness. Dr. Keith Lavender, a chiropractor in Gilbert, AZ caring for families for over 15 years, encourages patients to find simple activities to help reduce their stress and increase positive self talk.

Such habits lead to better heath, which in turn helps you achieve a better mood and happiness.  It also appears that a positive mental state may have a much more direct effect on your body.

Happiness May Influence your Immune Functioning

Positive thoughts and attitudes are able to prompt changes in your body that strength your immune system, boost positive emotions, decrease pain and chronic disease, and provide stress relief.  It’s also been scientifically shown that happiness can alter your genes, according to a team of researchers at UCLA.  That study showed people with a deep sense of happiness and well -being had lower levels of inflammatory genes and stronger antiviral and antibody responses. 

Practice Happiness

Practice these habits in your own life to boost your own personal happiness and sense of well-being.

Giving:               do things for others.

Relating:            connect with people.

Exercising:         take care of your body.

Appreciating:    notice the world around you.

Trying out:        keep learning new things.

Direction:           have goals to look forward to.

Resilience:        find ways to bounce back.

Emotion:            take a positive approach.

Acceptance:       be comfortable with who you are.

Meaning:             be part of something bigger




Eat Well, Move Well and THINK Well -- a chiropractor in Gilbert --Foresight Wellness Center strives to educate patients about all three of these aspects and the impact on overall health.  The doctors are board certified Atlas Orthogonist, providing precise and gentle care for patients of all ages. It is never too early to get your spine and nervous system evaluated. Call  480-325-6977 for a free consultation today or attend one of our free community wellness classes on Tuesday evenings.   

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