Foods And Techniques To Ease Sore Muscles


Foods And Techniques To Help Ease Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness and stiffness can hit you any time -- after taking up a new exercise, increasing the intensity of your exercise, doing yard work or housework, or even playing with the kids.

The best foods to eat after a workout or physical activity are raw, organic whole foods containing healthy amounts of good carbs and protein.   Some of the best foods shown to soothe muscle soreness and promote muscle recovery and growth include:   

1.       Cacao —Cacao has high levels of antioxidants, magnesium and B vitamins that help reduce bodily stress, balance electrolytes and boost energy levels.   Arugula and other leafy greens are also great sources of healthy nitrates.

2.       Eggs — Protein is the essential building block of muscles, and adding eggs to your post-workout eating plan may help reduce muscle soreness.   Always choose organic, free-range eggs.

3.       Ginger and cinnamon —Research has shown that ginger and cinnamon provide anti-inflammatory benefits to sore muscles. 

4.       Green tea —Green tea is abundant in anti-inflammatory antioxidants.  It also helps with hydration, which is vital for training and recovery.

5.       Manuka honey — Manuka honey is a potent anti-inflammatory that helps to suppress exercise-induced inflammation in the body.   It's also rich in carbohydrates, which are needed to refill glycogen stores and deliver protein to your muscles.

6.       Nuts and seeds — Organic nuts and seeds are a healthy source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation.   They also provide protein for muscle synthesis and growth, electrolytes to promote hydration and zinc to boost immunity. 

7.       Wild salmon — Wild Alaskan salmon is a great source of anti-inflammatory animal-based omega-3 fats.  Plus, it’s packed with lean protein, which is an important component for muscle restoration and building.   Always choose wild-caught and avoid all farmed salmon.

8.       Spinach — Spinach is an antioxidant powerhouse known to fight free radical damage in your body.  Spinach also contains magnesium, which helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, among other benefits. Be sure to choose organic.

9.       Sweet potatoes or yams — Eating organic sweet potatoes or yams after exercise is a great way to replenish glycogen in your body.  Also, they are great sources of beta carotene and vitamin C — antioxidants that support your immune system and help reduce oxidative stress.

10.   Tart cherries — Tart cherries have been shown to improve athletic performance, endurance and recovery, as well as reduce post-exercise inflammation and pain.  Tart cherries and cherry juice also help relieve and prevent arthritis and gout.

11.   Turmeric — Turmeric contains the powerful antioxidant to help lower your risk of injury and improve muscle performance recovery.  Curcumin from turmeric is poorly absorbed in the body so find a supplement to increase your intake. 

Sometimes, when we are not eating the best, it is helpful to supplement with Vitamins and Minerals, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Digestive Enzymes, Flora, and Vitamin D3.  By choosing the right foods and supplements to help your body recover after physical activity, you will likely feel better and experience less muscle soreness. In today’s environment, supplementing our diet on a regular basis becomes critical to maintain and optimize health. At Foresight Chiropractic, we focus on whole body health. Ask the Doctor about the basic supplements everyone needs and if there is something to help with your particular health plan.

Also available at Foresight Chiropractic, to reduce and eliminate joint and muscle pain along with nutritional coaching:

BEMER vascular therapy.  Many professional sports enthusiasts use BEMER to warm up prior to a work out and to relax and detox the lactic acid after a workout. For general wellness, 8 minutes twice a day is all it takes.

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique sports therapy can reduce and eliminate joint and muscle pain and restore balance in the body.  Because we may have experienced trauma, accidents, repetitive motions, and illness, the brain and nervous system “shuts down” muscles or muscle groups like a circuit breaker to protect the body from further damage. This unique technique, after testing over 600 muscles, will “turn them back on”.

Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical, precise and gentle chiropractic, affects every system in the body. Removing stress from the nervous system and allow the body to function optimally. This is at the core of wellness care, gently removing stress from the spine, allowing the body to heal naturally.

Foods And Techniques To Ease Sore Muscles

For more information, call 480-325-6977 to schedule your complimentary consultation with our Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioners. Inspiring wellness and excellence in the Valley for over 21 years.


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