Leg Weakness Treatment That Gets Results

This video demonstrates what a Pilate’s student is able to do after reactivating her rectus femoris straight head muscle which is the main muscle in the thigh that can flex the hip and is responsible for knee extension and hip and thigh flexion.  This muscle is a powerful muscle when you kick a football, or soccer ball and in cycling.

Dr. Keith Lavender, a Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT)  specialist tested and identified specific muscles and muscle groups that were not functioning properly, giving way when loaded. Muscles tend to become aberrant when the muscle or tissue is overloaded, repetitive motions, accidents and traumas. The body will “shut it down” and recruit other muscles trying to avoid additional damage. This may cause pain or imbalances frequently setting up recurrent injuries.

Leg Weakness Treatment That Gets Results

If you have frequent accidents, pain and imbalance or unable to perform at the level you would like, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Keith Lavender of Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center. Dr. Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner serving families for over 19 years with very precise and gentle care.  Optimize your health and get your game back on!!

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