Natural Bug Spray Gilbert AZ

Love the summer months outside but hate the mosquitoes? Here is a great video to show you how to make a natural and safe bug repellent without harmful chemicals.

Harmful chemicals are one of the three main stressors of the body. It is an area you can have direct impact on what goes onto and into your body.  One of the simplest ways to improve your health is to look at the labels on your foods and the products you put on your skin.  The Environmental Working Group has a great database listing products to help you find those made without dangerous chemicals.

Natural Bug Spray Gilbert AZ

To learn more, call 480-325-6977, Foresight Chiropractic, for a free consultation or to reserve your space at one of our free community health classes. The Doctors are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist providing very precise and gentle care for the entire family and Certified Wellness practitioners. Whether you are looking for a general wellness practitioner or are struggling with health concerns, call the Valley’s premier Wellness Center for a free consultation today. 

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