Sports Injury Recovery

In this video, Dr. Keith Lavender is finishing up an exam on a young man active in football and baseball. After testing multiple muscles and muscle groups, Dr. Lavender has identified muscles that are not functioning properly. The patient is not able to resist any pressure or have strength to maintain the position prior to treatment. 

Next, Dr. Lavender will use the Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) sports therapy to re-active the specific muscles and re-test them for strength.

Now that school is starting and sports practice is in full swing, many active children and adults will be experiencing injuries that come with competitive sports and an active lifestyle.  Muscle and joint pain, balance issues, and weakness in the body can stop athletes from performing at their highest levels and stop others from enjoying the activities they love. This can also impede careers and scholarships.

Certified AMIT practitioners are trained to isolate specific muscles and muscle groups for proper function. After an initial core exam, the doctor will have a blueprint of the muscles that are functioning properly and the muscles that are not. Muscles that are not functioning, or termed aberrant, do not respond to massage treatments, exercise, electric muscle stimulation or other therapies. The muscle must be restored within the neuro-muscular system and then can be strengthened through exercise.

Sports Injury Recovery

If you want to optimize your performance and prevent future injuries, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of the Doctors at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s Premier Wellness and Sports Center.  The Center specializes in Atlas Orthogonal – a gentle and precise upper cervical technique and Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT).  If you are active in sports, wanting to experience peak performance or have a sports injury, call today to find out how to restore your health and reach peak performance!

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