Weak Glute Muscles Causing Back Pain

Could muscles that are not “pulling their weight” be causing your joint and muscle pain? 

In this video, Dr. Keith Lavender is re-testing muscles he treated using Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) to re-activate muscles identified with testing to not function properly. As you see in the video, the muscles are now strong and the patient is able to resist pressure, which she was not able to do prior to the treatment. 

The central nervous system acts much like a circuit breaker in your home. It will “shut down” muscles or muscle groups to protect against injury and further damage. That means other muscles or muscle groups will be recruited to cover for the one that is not functioning properly. Exercise and massage cannot strengthen or turn these muscles back on.

As shown in this video, Dr. Lavender is retesting and demonstrating the improved functioning of the gluteus maximus from his AMIT treatment.  The gluteus maximus, one of the body’s largest muscles, spans across the hip joint and supports the sacrum and the femur. It affects low back, knee and ankle functioning.  A strong glute muscle helps to stabilize the pelvis and support the hips when bending and straightening up, doing squats, or pushing up from the ground. When these muscles are strong, the back experiences less pressure.

The Advanced Muscle Integration Technique, or AMIT, is an advanced sports technique that tests and identifies muscles and muscle groups that have been “shut off” by the central nervous system to minimize stress and injury. These aberrant muscles can be the root cause of muscle and joint pain, weakness, imbalances, and recurrent injuries. 

Weak Glute Muscles Causing Back Pain

To learn more, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a complimentary consultation at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness and Sports Therapy Center located in Gilbert, AZ. The doctors are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal, upper cervical chiropractors and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioners. At Foresight Chiropractic, you will find incredible doctors and staff that are interested in you as a whole person, caring for newborns to centurions. Other services available to support your wellness include nutritional coaching, therapeutic massage, Low Level Cold Laser, and BEMER vascular therapy. Call today and enjoy life and live your life to its fullest.

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