What Does Sugar Do To Your Body?

Is sugar killing you? Have you been on a sugar high roll a coaster? It is tough to quit, as there are chemical reasons why it’s hard AND those are the exact reasons why food companies add so much sugar to their products. It is ADDICTIVE and challenging to stop just like cigarettes and alcohol. This short video explains why.

The food we eat can heal our body or it can cause us serious pain and chronic illnesses. Always feel achy? Sugar and simple carbs are inflammatory and are the root cause of chronic diseases and pain. It's tough to quit and it is in our fast foods, cereals, breads, milk and most other processed food. It makes us want to go back and buy more.

What Does Sugar Do To Your Body?

Want to quit and not sure where to start? Call 480-525-7841, the valley's premier Wellness Center, for your complimentary consultation. The Doctors at Foresight Chiropractic are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists providing very precise and gentle care. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Certified Wellness Lifestyle Practitioner and Addictionologist helping people restore and improve their health for over 18 years. You don't have to be lost in the maze of diets, call today!

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