Brain Health And Healthy Aging

Alzheimer’s affects millions of Americans every year.    It is sad to watch someone you care about slowly lose his or her ability to function independently and actively.   Early treatment is vital to helping the individual deal with their struggles.

How can you spot the signs of early Alzheimer’s and recognize the differences between it and normal aging?  Certain behaviors are often early indicators of Alzheimer’s.

-- Memory loss.   Alzheimer’s patients often forget something they just said and have no recollection of recent statements.

-- Common tasks become difficult.   When a loved one has challenges completing simple, familiar tasks, it’s a sign that the brain is not functioning normally. 

-- Problems speaking and writing.   Your loved one may forget what they are saying, struggle to complete a sentence, or stumble and slur trying to find a word or statement.

-- Losing and misplacing things.   Yes, this is part of the typical aging process.  But someone who is constantly losing things, can’t retrace their steps or recall what they did or where they were, could be suffering from early Alzheimer’s.

-- Poor decision-making and judgment.   An odd judgment or unusual, rash action may be indicative of Alzheimer’s.

-- Social Withdraw.   People with Alzheimer’s who were once active and engaged often withdraw from their social life and become reclusive.   

-- Apathy.  When someone demonstrates a disinterest in activities they once enjoyed, early Alzheimer’s may be affecting them.

-- Changes in Personality and Mood.   When someone who is usually polite, charming and friendly starts getting mean and angry, it could be another early warning of Alzheimer’s.  

-- Changes in Appearance.   People with early Alzheimer’s often stop caring about their appearance and grooming.

If these symptoms persist and interfere with a loved one’s ability to lead a normal life, it’s time to closely monitor their well being, intervene and take action. 

At Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, the Board Certified Doctors and caring staff are available for consultation and guidance. Call 480-325-6977 to schedule a complementary visit.

Brain Health And Healthy Aging

Foresight Wellness Center provides critical support for prevention, restoration and optimization of health including:

-- Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical gentle chiropractic care to increase blood flow and cerebral spinal fluid to and from the brain

-- Nutritional support to properly feed and optimize the brain and body

-- Bemer therapy to increase blood flow and oxygen at the cellular level and aid in metabolic waste removal

Call 480-325-6977 today and get begin living your best life!


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