Brain Health Gilbert AZ

Most of us know someone or care for someone with Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Traumatic Brain Injury or other neurodegenerative diseases. Are you worried that it could happen to you?

Article after article, story after story talks about the heartbreak and the soaring costs associated with the care of Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients bankrupting families and potentially the country. It is said Alzheimer’s is the biggest threat, The Silver Tsunami, the financial sinkhole of the 21st century.  

There is no known cure and the only answer that makes sense in PREVENTION. That means lifestyle changes, started earlier in life, which is known to reduce the risks of dementia.

Learn what the science shows is the best way to prevent neurodegenerative diseases before it strikes. Share with your family and friends. Call 480-325-6977 to reserve your space for the Brain Health Workshop. The information that will be presented by Dr. Keith Lavender, D.C.,B.C.A.O. is vital to your health.

Brain Health Gilbert AZ

For more information and to reserve your seat, call 480-325-6977 soon as space is limited. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist, Certified Wellness practitioner and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner who has been caring for families for over 18 years with very precise and gentle adjustments—no popping or cracking!   

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