Chronic Back Pain Gilbert

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Chronic back pain is a major health concern today. One-half of working Americans admit to having back pain and it is one of the most common reasons for missing work. Chronic back pain can become debilitating and expensive when treated with medications and surgery.

Many, many times chronic back pain, as well as diseases, ARE preventable and treatable naturally by changing our lifestyle--how we eat, move and think. Dr. Keith Lavender, a board certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor, specializes in very precise and gentle treatment of the spine and nervous system. For more information to prevent and eliminate the back pain you or a loved one may be experiencing, contact our office for a consultation.

We are also offering a free health care class on Thursday, April 24th at 6:30 p.m. Learn how easy it is to do spinal stretches and fun ways to add regular, enjoyable movement into your life.  Chiropractic adjustments to clear the nervous system along with regular exercise can prevent or eliminate chronic back pain. Movement is LIFE and is essential for your health and wellbeing. Call us today to get your health back on track!

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