How to Improve Heart Health Gilbert AZ 85234

Every year, over seven hundred thousand Americans have a heart attack. Over a hundred thousand of those result in death. This happens because, in order to maintain its function, the heart has to receive vast amounts of oxygenated blood. When you have an unhealthy lifestyle, plaque tends to build up in your coronary arteries, blocking the blood flow toward the heart, and thus triggering the attack. Plaque can also cause your heart muscles to tighten, and lead to a blood clot, another cause for a heart attack.

In order to reduce inflammation and maintain your heart health, incorporate these 10 healthy behaviors in your life.

Pay Attention To Your Nutrition - Incorporate healthy foods in your diets. Vegetables and fruit are excellent options, especially if they're fresh, organic and whole.

Avoid Unhealthy Foods - Eliminate or reduce processed foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, trans fats and artificial sweeteners from your diet.

Keep Hydrated - Take a water bottle wherever you're going. Add a lemon, cucumber or strawberry slice to it if you'd like.

Exercise - At least three hours every week is recommended. High Intensity Interval training is effective and efficient.

Don't Smoke - If you smoke, quit. Smoking causes blood vessels to thicken and narrow, causing blood clots.

Minimize Drinking - Alcohol contains lots of empty calories - it prevents your body from burning fat, and stresses your liver.

Don't Sit For Too Long - Sitting is not good for your health. Take a 10 minute stroll through your office every hour and stretch a bit.

Keep Your Vitamin D Levels Good - Test them annually - vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of a heart attack by over fifty percent.

Don't Stress Too Much - A stressed body produces norepinephrine, which contributes to plaque rupture.

How to Improve Heart Health Gilbert AZ 85234

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