Improve Strength And Flexibility And Reduce Pain

Have you been involved in a sports injury, car accident, or strained some of your muscles from weekend activities? Maybe you haven't been in an accident but you keep working on those squats or exercises and can't seem to gain strength. Do you feel "off balance" when you work out or participate in sports or in everyday activities? 

These are symptoms of muscles not functioning properly along with muscle and joint pain or stiffness. Much like a circuit breaker in your home, the brain and nervous system will "shut down" muscles to protect from further damage. A physician, trained and certified in Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or The AMIT Method, will test individual muscles and muscle groups, as demonstrated by Dr. Keith Lavender, D.C., B.C.A.O. in this video. Once muscles are identified, treatment begins using The AMIT Method, to "reconnect" the muscle to the brain and nervous system. Results are immediate and lasting. Trauma and overuse and nutrient deficiency are typical reasons muscles do not function properly. 

Improve Strength And Flexibility And Reduce Pain

For more information and to find out how Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or The AMIT Method can help you, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Keith Lavender. The Doctors at Foresight Chiropractic, the valley's premier Wellness Center, are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal   upper cervical specialists who have been serving families and athletes for over 20 years. Call today and optimize your health and your performance!

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