Migraine Treatment

Christina is now pain medication free!
She shares her story of finding treatment for her migraines and neck pain after a friend recommended she try Foresight Chiropractic, an upper cervical specialty clinic known to have great success with migraine and headache treatment.
Every day your brain makes about 500 cc’s of spinal fluid that acts kind of like the blood for the brain and spinal cord. It is transferred out of the skull, down the spinal cord, and down the spine, and is eventually pumped back up to the brain. Research by Dr. Scott Rosa, D.C., B.C.A.O. and the developer of the upright MRI, Dr. Raymond Damadian, MD shows that when someone has had a head or neck injury, for example a whiplash or concussion, the top vertebra of the neck called the Atlas will twist out of alignment. When this misalignment happens, the spinal fluid is not able to leave the brain, causing a backflow of spinal fluid. This backflow will cause swelling and will eventually impact the small blood vessels of the brain, resulting in a migraine or headache.

The Doctors have provided before and after studies and images to show how cervical mis-alignments affect the cerebral spinal fluid and blood flow to and from the brain. The evidence is showing the importance of the Atlas alignment and how it is a missing link in health care. The research is showing exactly why that is true.

Migraine Treatment

Atlas Orthogonal  upper cervical specialists use advanced imaging and diagnostics to determine the exact measurements to align the Atlas. Each adjustment is specific to the individual and there is no twisting, popping or cracking the neck. Adjustments are very precise and gentle. For more information, call 480-325-6977 to schedule your free consultation and to take control of your health in a naturally and safely without the harmful side effects of drugs. Migraines are debilitating, don't wait any longer, call today.