Relief For Low Back Pain

Wow, see the difference in muscle strength, from the previous video with, after Dr. Keith Lavender treated Leigh using Advanced Muscle Integration Technique.

In order to protect the body, the central nervous system, which includes the brain and nervous system and is protected by the skull and the spine, will act much like a circuit breaker. The brain will "shut down" muscles or muscle groups to help prevent further damage after a trauma, over-use or injury. Other muscles or groups will take over the work of the non-functioning muscle and this can put into motion potential future injuries, imbalances throughout the body which can cause pain and limit range of motion, ability, and activities. With Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT), Certified Practitioners will access the body for aberrant or non-functioning muscles, re-activate, and re-test for muscle proficiency. Not only will the body be more balanced and pain reduced and frequently eliminated, exercise programs will be more effective in building muscle strength and the body's performance will be optimized. 

Relief For Low Back Pain

If you want to optimize your potential, extend your sports career, function better with greater range of motion and reduce or eliminate pain, call 480-525-7841 to schedule a free consultation. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist providing very gentle and precise care--no popping or cracking--and a Certified AMIT practitioner. Call the valley's premier Wellness Center today and get your game back on!!


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