Sciatica Relief Gilbert AZ

Do you get that nagging low back pain that may go down the legs? It may come and go but you just don't seem to be able to get rid of that pain?  It is very typical to have the pain on just one side of the body and often described as sharp or searing.

It is important to remember that sciatica pain is a symptom and not cause -- there is another underlying problem that is causing the pain. Sciatica Relief Gilbert AZ

There is help! You could be dealing with inflamed tissue or a bulging or herniated disc that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back and down each leg. It is the largest and longest single nerve in the body. Any problem with the lower spine, subluxations or vertebrae that are out of alignment, can cause problems with the nerves that feed into the sciatic nerve. The pain can be quite severe and last 6 to 8 weeks. There are natural ways to help reduce the pain and to reduce re-occurrence. 

Regular spinal adjustments to align the vertebrae was reported to be a very effective and non-invasive treatment in a study published in the 2010 Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapies.  It was found that 60% of the patients that failed other forms of medical treatment benefited from chiropractic care. Chiropractic care was not only beneficial but was without the harmful side effects of drugs or surgery. Yoga and stretching can be helpful as well as acupuncture and massage. 

Sciatica Relief Gilbert AZ

For more information and to schedule your complimentary consultation, call 480-525-7841. The doctors at Foresight Chiropractic, the valley's premier Wellness Center, are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists providing very precise and gentle care for over 18 years. Call today and find out how Chiropractic can provide sciatica relief for you. 




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