Sports Injury Treatment Gilbert AZ 85234, 85207

Kim shares her journey after a biking accident left her unable to do a lot of the activities she loved. Limited range of motion, pain, stiffness, reduced strength all stopped her from being as active as she had once been. A few months ago, at the urging of a close friend, Kim sought help at Foresight Chiropractic Wellness Center.

Her life changed dramatically! Through a treatment plan that involved chiropractic care, nutritional guidance and Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or AMIT method, Kim began seeing amazing results. She admits to being skeptical when began treatment but not long after starting, she saw results. She has more energy, sleeps better, is stronger, healthier and best of all feels younger than she has in a long while. All of this allows her to be more active, have fun and do the workouts and sports activities she loves.

Sports Injury Treatment Gilbert AZ 85234, 85207

Don't wait! If you or someone you care about is struggling, call 480-525-7841 for a free consultation. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor, AMIT practitioner and Certified Lifestyle Wellness doctor. Call the valley's premier Wellness Center today. Regain and OPTIMIZE your health -- achieve greater performance levels and improve the quality of your life.


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