Ways To Easily Engage The Brain For Better Health

By improving the health of your brain, you can tap into a greater potential, improve your memory, and slow down the aging process!

Following these suggested activities, you can strengthen and improve your brain and your overall quality of life:

1)       Exercise.  Exercise increases the flow of good chemicals into the brain and supports increased blood flow that feeds, strengthens and repairs the brain. Just a 20-minute walk or workout helps facilitate information processing and memory.  Exercise has shown to stimulate brain plasticity by stimulating cell growth and new neuronal connections.

2)      Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care.  The brain is the master control system of the body. The spinal cord and nervous system, housed in the skull and the spine, is the communication network to every cell, organ and gland in the body.  The doorway to the brain is the top vertebrae of the spine known as the Atlas. If the Atlas is mis-aligned or “stuck” in a certain position, it can interupt the communication to and from the brain, contributing to illness, brain fog, memory issues and sub-optimal performance.


3)      Improve Nutrition.  Increase your consumption of Omega 3 fats because they are an essential structural component of the brain, and the body cannot produce it.  Approximately 60% of the brain is made up of fats, and the cells in your nervous system require it.  When cells are lacking in fat, they become stiff and are more prone to inflammation. When this happens, the proper neurotransmission from cell to cell is compromised.   Reducing your intake of processed foods and sugar and increasing the amount of vegetables in your diet is also important. Adequate healthy oils, Vitamin D, probiotics, and B Vitamins are also essential.

4)      Adequate Sleep.  Sleep is essential for regenerating the body to “reset” and detox the brain. This holds true for infants and children too, as napping helps to boost brainpower.  Research shows that while you sleep, the neural processes associated with learning and memory is strengthened.

5)      Listen to Music.  Numerous studies show that music stimulates and strengthens the brain and helps to create new pathways.    Besides being fun and enjoyable, music is good for the brain.

6)      BrainTap  has more than 400 programs of guided meditation to help you quickly and easily relax, re-boot and revitalize.   With BrainTap, a special headset is available that provides the sounds, words and pulsing light of your meditation or you can listen and enjoy the guided meditation without the headset. Choose programs that help you improve your financial, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.  Backed by neuroscience and research, BrainTapping is proven to help people who are experiencing high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, and other lifestyle challenges.

7) BEMER vascular therapy is an FDA Class II Medical Device that has been used throughout Europe for over 23 years and in available at Foresight Chiropractic. BEMER enhances nutrient and oxygen delivery, local blood flow, waste removal, muscle conditioning, stress reduction and relaxation, and the temporary relief of aches and pains. Circulation plays a critical role in our overall health and well-being.

Ways To Easily Engage The Brain For Better Health


For more information on improving your brain health, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation. The doctors at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists caring for families for over 21 years. As an adjunct to chiropractic care, patients are also able to experience the benefits of BEMER vascular therapy and BrainTapping in the office as well as options for at home use. Call today and take action to enjoy better brain health and an enhance quality of life!




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