What is Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

     Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or A.M.I.T. is a system of testing and analyzing 700+ muscles in the body. Once the testing is complete, treatment on the aberrant or non-functioning muscles are done to restore and re-activate those muscles, optimizing sports performance, preventing future injuries, restoring balance to the body and decreasing or eliminating pain. Injuries or overuse of muscles from day to day activities, workouts, athletics and even daily recreation or nutritional deficiencies can cause muscles to shut-down --the tissues either tear or become neurologically inhibited.  

In this video, Dr. Keith Lavender is testing leg muscles on a patient prior to treatment. Notice how Shaina does not have strength and is unable to resist the pressure. Be sure to watch part 2 of the video to see the difference in her leg strength after treatment.

What is Advanced Muscle Integration Technique 

For a free consultation at the valley's premier Wellness Center, call 480-525-7841. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lavender to learn if A.M.I.T is the natural solution to optimize your athletic abilities, restore health after an injury or decrease pain. The doctors at Foresight Chiropractic are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal, an upper cervical specialty, and A.M.I.T. practitioner. Call today and get your game back on!    

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