Best Sports Injury Recovery

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) is an advanced sports injury recovery technique that accelerates healing and increases human performance naturally.

Certified AMIT Doctors are trained to isolate specific muscles and muscle divisions for proper function. After an initial core muscle examination has been completed, the Doctor will have a blueprint of the muscles that are functioning properly and the muscles that are not.  Muscles that do not respond properly, termed aberrant, are re-activated with the AMIT protocol.

Best Sports Injury Recovery

Aberrant muscles are frequently the source of pain and frequent injuries. For more information and to schedule a free consultation, call 480-325-6977. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified AMIT practitioner. Extend your sports career or activities, reduce pain, increase balance and performance. Call the Valley's premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic today and get your game back on!

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