Quick Recovery From Falls And Injuries

Is a fitness program part of your weekly routine? Would you describe yourself as a weekend warrior, a daily walker, a Pilates or yoga enthusiast, weightlifter, runner, or cyclist? Maybe your health and wellness routines incorporate a combination of these activities.

Anytime we participate in activities to strengthen our body and increase flexibility, we can experience muscle soreness, pain, and perhaps injury along the way.  Or maybe the issue is imbalance and weakness that you can't seem to overcome.

If these become chronic issues and impede your enjoyment and progress, there may be a larger issue at hand. When these symptoms occur, it could be that a muscle or muscle group has shut down or "turned off", and is not functioning properly. In these circumstances, the brain recruits other muscles to compensate to protect the body from further injury--much like a circuit breaker in your house. 

Well, there is good news!  Now at Foresight Wellness Center, there is an effective treatment for muscle weakness, imbalances, muscle and joint pain called Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or AMIT. Watch this video where Dr. Keith Lavender is helping a young gymnast regain strength after multiple injuries.

AMIT is based on the understanding that when a muscle is overloaded, it can either inhibit (shut down) neurologically or it can tear.   Inhibited muscles create imbalances and areas of instability throughout the body.   This can cause joint and muscle pain.  

The certified AMIT Practitioners at Foresight Wellness Center check over 600 muscles to find and treat the ones that are not functioning properly.   The AMIT process “re-connects” and re-integrates inhibited muscles into the nervous system to remove pain and increase physical performance. 

Quick Recovery From Falls And Injuries  

If you are experiencing injury, muscle or joint pain, or weakness in your body, call 480-325-6977 for more information and to schedule a free consultation. The Doctors are Board Certified, Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists and Certified AMIT practitioners serving the valley for over 23 years. Call the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic, and get back to enjoying the activities you love!



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